Date 19 June 2014
Pages 43
Format cm 30 x 30
Price € 16.50
EAN 9782355043208
Publisher Website

A Curse on War!

Publisher Rue du monde
Category Children's Books
Keywords War - Profiling
Age 6-9
A sensitively told gut punch of a tale about how war shatters lives.

April 1917. The schoolmaster asks his class to imagine writing a letter to the soldiers in trenches. Eleven-year-old Fulbert has but one idea in mind: carrying the mail to his father on the front.
Animated by the desire to see his father, who's been away for so many months, he mounts a secret and perilous expedition into inhuman territory. The presence of a child sows chaos on the battlefield at first, but soon enough, war takes back its own. Fulbert has juste enough time to hug his father, a final opportunity…
"A Curse on War!" the child will repeat for a long time afterward–just like a monument to the dead dares proclaim in a village in the middle of France.