Date 21 October 2016
Pages 43
Format cm 20 x 27
Price € 15.80
EAN 9782355044434
Publisher Website

Why'd You Vote for Hitler, Daddy?

Publisher Rue du monde
Category Children's Books
Keywords Exploitation - Venice - Spain
Age 9-12
L’ascension d’Hitler via les élections, et les effroyables conséquences tant pour les peuples d'Europe que pour le peuple allemand.

March, 1933: Rudi is only seven. He accompanies his parents to the voting booth. It's the first time he's ever seen them argue. He soon realizes that his father is about to vote for Hitler's party and is asking his wife to do the same, which she categorically refuses.
Through a slice of family life from 1933 to 1945, Didier Daeninckx helps us see how a fascist regime came to be legally elected.
A book reminding young readers that voting (or abstaining) is an action with consequences, and not all ballots are the same.