Date 18 May 2013
Pages 128
Format cm 10 x 20
Price € 10.00
EAN 9782917770429
Publisher Website


Category Children's Books
Age 12-15
A philosophical introduction exploring every nuance of the notions of obedience and disobedience.

Must we learn to obey because it's something we'll have to do all our lives (or so we're told)? How can we be free if we submit ourselves to someone else's will? Wouldn't the best way of learning to be free be to DISOBEY? But it isn't as easy to disobey as we might think. We must break the law, reject authority, and refuse to do what has been asked of us. Beside passive, peaceful resistance always looms the specter of armed revolt. is violence called for in the fight against unjust power? Is all authority oppressive, in the end. Is disobeying not just a civic duty but also a right?