Date 09 January 2019
Pages 209
Format cm 14 x 20
Price € 17.00
EAN 9791032905340
Publisher Website

Men the Color of the Sky

Author Anaïs LLobet
Keywords Well-being
A story of integration and its opposite.

In the land where Oumar was born, there is no word for what he is, only ways of talking around it: stigal basakh vol stag, a "man the color of the sky." A refugee in the Hague, the young Chechnyan adopts the name Adam, finishes high school, drinks screwdrivers, and kisses other boys in dark nightclubs. But he only cautiously enjoys his freedom, hiding his new life from his young brother Kirem, full of suppressed rage. One June day, Oumar suddenly gets mixed up in something unthinkable--the worst ting that could happen--at his old high school. The police are absolutely certain the terrible attack was carried out by a Chechnyan student.