Date 10 February 2022
Pages 79
Format cm 23 x 27
Price € 16.00
EAN 9782075162623
Publisher Website

The Algerian War

Publisher Gallimard Jeunesse
COLLECTION Albums documentaires
Category Children's Books
Age 12-15
This graphic reference work records and recounts histories of colonization, war, and their legacies in all their complexity, with the latest research.

From 1954 to 1962, Algeria and France were shaken by an extremely violent war that remains one of the most painful pages in the history of decolonization.
Sixty years after Algeria's independence, this conflict is still very much a part of people's memories, and wounds remain deep on both sides of the Mediterranean. Today, the work of historians and teachers, and the talent of writers and filmmakers, help us confront this difficult past with respect for all involved as we turn toward the future we must forge for the young.