Date 16 September 2016
Pages 25
Format cm 25 x 30
Price € 14.00
EAN 9782372730266

The Great Fire

Category Children's Books
Keywords Dictatorship - Fable - Freedom - Week - Story
A timeless fable in praise of words, books, and culture, and their power to fight dictatorship.

"A single match was all it took to efface our people's history."
A plume of black smoke is rising from the town square. From high above, in his palace, the Sultan watches all the kingdom's books go up in flames, just as he commanded. Soon, there will be no trace left of the past, only his own story.
One day, a child comes across a page that escaped the bonfire. Despite his fear, he starts copying out words from it onto the walls around the palace. Little by little, others join him and do the same, writing out remembered bits of their culture and history before they are forever gone from memory. The weight of these words will topple a wall and a tyrant.