Date 04 November 2020
Pages 55
Format cm 25 x 33
Price € 14.95
EAN 9782203172500
Publisher Website

The Winter Daisies

Publisher Casterman
SERIES Animal Castle
Age All Ages
Resistance through nonviolent means.

Winter has descended on the castle, the weather harsh for its inhabitants as their dictator, Silvio the bull, continues his reign of terror. But Miss B. and her friends Caesar the rabbit and Azélar the rat--a movement nicknamed "The Daisies--haven’t had their last word yet. They keep provoking Silvio, refusing to wear bells and necklaces, demanding free firewood for all animals, and, to ensure their voices are heard, braving the cold every night for a sit-in under Silvio’s windows. But for Miss B., defeating the dictatorship means avoiding the most dangerous trap of all: succumbing to violence. Can she convince her friends to resist peacefully? It seems quite a difficult challenge...

  • Sales in France 147,000 copies (Vols. 1-2)
  • Rights Sold Germany, Serbia, Spain, Ukraine, Denmark, Sweden, Portugal, Poland, USA, South Korea, Croatia
  • As of: April 2022