Date 26 October 2017
Pages 43
Format cm 25 x 33
Price € 19.50
EAN 9782368561492
Publisher Website

The War Between the Frogs and the Mice

Publisher Amaterra
Category Children's Books
Keywords Resources - War - Cut-outs - Androids
This one-day story exposes the absurdity of war.

A dispute breaks out between a mouse and a frog over access to a watering hole. The frog takes the mouse on his back to show him around the amphibian kingdom, but when a snake rears its head, the mouse unfortunately drowns. The incident leads to a bloody war between the two groups. This very contemporary picture book resurrects a forgotten tale from Antiquity. Elaborate cut-outs in the pages lend the scenes a highly cinematic depth-of-field and great power to this effective denunciation of the absurdity of war.