Date 29 January 2020
Pages 357
Format cm 15 x 23
Price € 22.90
EAN 9782226440754
Publisher Website

Justice is Steady Work: A Conversation on Political Theory

Interviews with Astrid Von Busekist
Publisher Albin Michel
COLLECTION Itinéraires du savoir
The intellectual journey of an eminent figure of the socialist American left.

This conversation on the major themes in Michael Walzer’s work considers the possibility of political morals on an international scale, exploring the paradigm of the "just" war and its transformations in modern, asymmetrical warfare. Readers are also reminded of the complexity of social justice and democracy. The book advocates a "common" policy, rooted in specific cultural traditions yet capable of dialoguing beyond its own borders. This intellectual biography establishes the role that philosophers and social critics can play in the modern polis.

  • Rights Sold English
  • As of: April 2022