Date 01 September 2020
Pages 32
Format cm 13 x 17
Price € 9.00
EAN 9782955777084
Publisher Website

Schopenhauer’s Porcupine

Publisher 3œil
Category Children's Books
Age 3-6All Ages
"In the bleak midwinter, porcupines huddle together."

In the wintertime, porcupines huddle together for warmth. But they end up poking each other with their quills, so they move apart. Then they get cold again, so back to huddling up it is! And then back to moving apart, in an endless cycle. Back and forth they go, like an accordion. A story about what it takes to live in society and how good manners help keep others close yet at just the right distance, so that no one is bothered.

  • Rights Sold Simplified Chinese, Korean, Spanish (Latin America, Spain), Italian, English (world)
  • As of: April 2022