Date 11 September 2019
Pages 44
Format cm 20 x 27
Price € 15.80
EAN 9782917045572
Publisher Website

My White Dove

1937: The Bombing of Guernica
Publisher Kilowatt
Category Children's Books
Age 6-9
Paloma and her parents, refugees from Spain's Civil War, are in Paris protesting Franco and his bombing of Guernica when she finds a wounded dove.

With the Civil War raging, Paloma and her parents flee Spain for France. But even in Paris there is talk of the dictator General Franco, ever since he bombed the town of Guernica on April 26, 1937. During a demonstration for peace, the girl finds a wounded dove. Her father builds her a cage and she cares for the bird, taking it everywhere on her shoulder--even to the museum! One day, out for a stroll, she talks to a man interested in her dove. Later, upon seeing her bird in a painting at the World's Fair, she will realize he was none other than the artistt Pablo Picasso. A book about respect and freedom, a reminder to always be watchful and ready to defend the values we hold dear.

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  • As of: April 2022