Date 10 March 2011
Pages 157
Format cm 24 x 34
Price € 26.00
EAN 9782754804240
Publisher Website

Voyage to the Desolation Islands

Publisher Futuropolis
GENRE Non-Fiction
Age All Ages
The hostile beauty of the Antarctic.

In March 2010, Emmanuel Lepage boarded the Marion Dufresne in Saint-Denis de La Réunion, on a two-month trip to the French Southern Lands and Antarctic Lands, an archipelago lost in time, a glimpse of the earth before humans ever walked it. His goal? To understand it enough to draw it. Part travel diary, part comics journalism, Emmanuel Lepage’s graphic novel brings to life the hostile beauty of the Antarctic: the world at the end of the world. In every way, an exceptionally rich and powerful work.

  • Rights Sold Italy, Croatia, Germany
  • As of: February 2022