EAN 9782020974936
Publisher Website www.seuil.com

A Change of Scenery

Travels in France
Publisher Seuil
COLLECTION Fiction et Cie
A political book about national identity and belonging, from a philosopher-poet.

One day in New York, Bailly saw Jean Renoir's classic film The Rules of the Game. Which gave rise to question at the heart of a book structured like a subtle mystery: "What about France resonates with me? What makes me feel I belong to it as a country?" In search of answers, the author undertakes a variety of small trips around France to places he felt compelled to visit: locations at times historical, at times poetic, close and distant, urban and rural, central and peripheral.

  • Sales in France 33,260 copies
  • Rights Sold German
  • Awards Prix Décembre
  • As of: February 2022