EAN 9782715225701
Publisher Website www.mercuredefrance.fr

Victoire, My Mother's Mother

Author Maryse Condé
Publisher Mercure de France
A strong woman, illiterate and always overshadowed, who is able to take charge of her life thanks to her uncommon cooking ability.

A chef of unmatched skill, Victoire Élodie Quidal works for service Anne-Marie and Boniface Walberg, at La Pointe. Her virtuosity and excellence are prized by Guadeloupe's upper crust, who all want her in their kitchens. Victoire's had a hard life. Will she finally have her hour of fame? Maryse Condé delivers a uniquely affectionate and endearing portrait of her grandmother Victoire.

  • Sales in France 30,000 copies
  • Rights Sold Arabic, English, German
  • Awards Prix Nobel Alternatif de littérature 2018, le Prix mondial Fondation Del Duca 2021
  • As of: December 2021