Date 03 April 2019
Pages 64
Format cm 22 x 30
Price € 15.00
EAN 9782344036457
Publisher Website

Good Days and Bad Days

Explaining Nutrition to Children (and Their Parents)
Publisher Glénat
Category Children's Books
Keywords Food - Cooking
This book aims to make both parents and children aware eating means putting something into our most valuable possession: our body.

The first part of this book is devoted to quesiton children wonder about or ask their parents: what are the four main tastes? Why do some people like spicy food? Did our ancestors really eat better? Why aren't there strawberries in winter? Why are farmers' markets better for fruit? And many more questions sure to interest young and old alike.
The second part details various food groups and why it is good for our health to eat from all of them... in moderation. Each two-page spread features an original chef's recipe that is simple for children and parents alike.