Date 23 January 2020
Pages 460
Format cm 10 x 17
Price € 10.50
EAN 9782757882962
Publisher Website


A Philosophy of the Political Body
Publisher Points
COLLECTION Points essais
GENRE Philosophy
A profoundly original philosophical reflection which puts the animal question and ecology at the heart of our existence.

By developing a phenomenology of "living with" (the world, food, others, etc.), Corine Pelluchon unites ecology, a philosophy of existence, and the revival of democracy. She takes the corporeality of the subject and the materiality of existence seriously, as these depend upon our numerous nourishments. Food is the paradigm of this phenomenology of feeling and shows that in our everyday gestures we are already tied to all living things on this planet; we inhabit Earth with other humans and species. Justice is thus defined as the sharing of these nourishments: eating is an action at once ethical, economic, and political.

  • Rights Sold English, German, Japanese
  • As of: December 2021