Date 26 August 2020
Pages 155
Format cm 15 x 23
Price € 24.90
EAN 9791037501189
Publisher Website

The Toddler Awakes!

Author Éline Snel
Publisher Les Arènes
Category Children's Books
A book about teaching your children to pay attention, self-regulate, and have confidence after their first 18 months.

There's no way to teach a child between 18 and 36 months of age to meditate. But you can teach them to be more aware of their bodily sensations and mental states. You can teach them to relax, to self-soothe, and to sleep. After age 3they can begin to learn even more. The best way to teach behaviors is to model them. This book explains the art of mindful parenting, offering exercises, massage techniques, and activities to perform with children.

  • Sales in France 600,000 copies sold worldwide
  • As of: September 2021