Date 06 February 2020
Pages 208
Format cm 14 x 21
Price € 16.00
EAN 9782207159811
Publisher Website

The Schubert Treatment

Author Claire Oppert
Publisher Denoël
10 minutes de Schubert = 5 mg d'Oxynorm

When she isn't touring the world or with her students, Claire Oppert plays cello for people at death's door, people who suffer chronic pain, people deemed autistic or mentally ill. In words both delicate and poetic, this musician recounts her one-of-a-kind encounters. Hailed and recognized by the scientific world, her medical procedure, the Schubert Treatment, relieves pain and anxiety in patients, shining a light on the power of music.

  • Sales in France 8,250 copies
  • Rights Sold Italie (Fuorilinea)
  • Awards
  • As of: September 2021