Date 05 February 2015
Pages 562
Format cm 16 x 24
Price € 68.00
EAN 9782233007377
Publisher Website

Pandemics and International Law

Toward a Safer Healthcare System for Everyone
Publisher Pedone
Keywords Law - Daily life - Epidemic
Faced with pandemics, can international law be arranged in the form of a "collective system of health security"?

Faced with a pandemic, international law arguably bows to the organizational logic of systemizing healthcare and safety for the greatest number. But the largely imperfect nature of its results cannot be ignored, due as they are to the fact that international law is a collection of scattered fragments ill-suited to effectively comprehending the phenomenon of a pandemic.

  • Awards Grand prix Charles Aubert de l’Académie des sciences morales et politiques 2015, Prix solennel Aguirre-Basualdo/Rubinstein de la Chancellerie des Universités de Paris 2014, Prix de thèse de l’Institut des Hautes études de défense nationale 2013
  • As of: September 2021