Date 05 September 2012
Pages 64
Format cm 12 x 18
Price € 7.00
EAN 9782130595380
Publisher Website

Intensive Care

Techniques and Interactions
Publisher PUF
COLLECTION Questions de soin
Keywords Self-discovery
Jean-Christophe Mino analyzes interactions with patients in an ICU, demonstrating that in healthcare, the dichotomy between technical and relationship skills is in need of reframing.

Merging technical skills with patient relations is part of a longstanding effort to control the degree to which medical care is personalized. Factors include the healthcare worker's overall attitude, availability, and bedside manner; their way of listening, asking and answering questions, providing (or withholding) information, making decisions, prescribing treatments, and handling bodily contact. Far more than grace notes, such human touches help maintain a delicate balance between objectivity, advocacy, and compassion in the care provided.