Date 17 February 2016
Pages 98
Format cm 14 x 22
Price € 18.00
EAN 9782234080478
Publisher Website

The Geopolitics of TV Shows

Publisher Stock
Keywords Series - Espionage
The first book to decipher the emotions of the world through the prism of TV series.

After 9/11, geopolitics not only invaded real life, but our imaginations as well. TV series became political as well as cultural references. Thanks to their intuition, screenwriters have become the most perceptive analysts of today’s world. What do they see in societies across the world? Fear of dictatorship and barbarity in Game of Thrones, the collapse of democracy in House of Cards, terrorism in Homeland, a paralyzed society in Spiral, a disappearing world in Downton Abbey, and finally, fear of the Russian threat in Occupied.