Date 07 March 2019
Pages 160
Format cm 15 x 21
Price € 16.00
EAN 9782715249882
Publisher Website

Just Like She Imagined Him

Publisher Mercure de France
Keywords Virtual love - Internet
Are new communication networks like Facebook changing the codes of seduction and romantic discourse? Stéphanie Dupays takes a look at love 2.0 in the online world of today.

Laure is a professor of literature at the Sorbonne University in Paris. When she returns home, she looks forward to being with Vincent. Because she has never felt so close to someone, because they share the same anger and the same admiration… However, Laure has never actually met Vincent: he is only a virtual conversation partner on Facebook. They spend hours chatting online late into the night. But virtual relationships have their limits: five months later, they agree to meet in person. In real life, will the magic still be there?