Date 19 February 2020
Pages 272
Format cm 14 x 22
Price € 18.90
EAN 9782268103136
Publisher Website

I Hate Running!

My guide to moving without damaging myself
Category Practical Books
Keywords Sports
Running is not the be-all and end-all of health!

These days, running is cited as the number one sport for getting in good shape. But its benefits aren't a given, while the potential harm it can do is just coming to light...
In her new book Bernadette de Gasquet alerts readers to the dangers of running. She presents other "healthy ways to move," from yoga to biking, hiking to dancing, and even "good cardio" to help you enjoy the benefits of mobility on an ongoing basis in your daily life, no matter how old you are.

  • Sales in France 5,000 copies
  • As of: September 2021