Date 10 January 2020
Pages 416
Format cm 14 x 21
Price € 21.00
EAN 9782843379291
Publisher Website

Lift Your Head Up and Look Around: It's a New World

Publisher Anne Carrière
Keywords Feminism - Sexuality
How to escape our narrowminded notions of what sex can be and devise a new erotic repertoire.

Modern sexuality is seized with great uncertainty, shaken by the questions the MeToo movement has raised, but also beset by unrealistic demands placed upon us all, and an international decline in libido. Sadly, sexuality is now conceived of as a matter of orifices, reducing women to voids to be filled. Part One of this book traces how history, culture, and psychoanalysis have drastically narrowed our sexual practices. Part Two lays out a practical and optimistic approach to forging a new sexuality based on ethics, imagination, and compassion.

  • Sales in France 10,000 copies
  • As of: September 2021