Date 27 September 2018
Pages 96
Format cm 14 x 19
Price € 9.90
EAN 9782075100373
Publisher Website

40 Incredible Women

Publisher Gallimard Jeunesse
Category Children's Books
Keywords Equality - War - Woman
Age 9-1212-15
Discover outstanding women who made history with their courage, determination, knowledge, or talent.

Freedom of speech, the right to an education, the right to vote, contraception and abortion rights, rigths for black women, protesting rape and sexual assault, fighting for the rights of LGBTQ women... Forty female figures (Virginia Woolf, Simone de Beauvoir, Pina Bausch, Angela Davis, Oprah Winfrey, and more) from diverse fields. Find out who they are, what they're like, how they express themselves, their struggles, their successes, their words, and their landmark achievements.