Date 09 September 2020
Pages 400
Format cm 15 x 22
Price € 22.90
EAN 9782378801267
Publisher Website

It's My Body!

Publisher L'Iconoclaste
Category Practical Books
"When it comes to women's health, there are no stupid questions, or, for that matter, forbidden ones--only questions it's perfectly OK to ask."

This book answers all the questions today's women have about their bodies and their health: a simple, concrete response to the current crisis in medical standards of care. Women everywhere want to reclaim power over their bodies and their health, asserting their right to well-considered answers. This book is for all women, regardless of age, sexual orientation, or whether or not they want to bear children. There are key chapters on such major topics as menstruation, contraception, pregnancy, invasive practices during childbirth, etc. Martin Winckler is a writer and feminist doctor.