Date 11 June 2020
Pages 512
Format cm 16 x 23
Price € 17.95
EAN 9782748527056
Publisher Website

Memoirs of a Unicorn

Publisher Syros
COLLECTION Grand format
Category Children's Books
Keywords LGBTQIA+
Age 12-15YA
This novel explores relationships and love, being with the wrong person, being in and out of love, and choosing to be in a relationship... or not.

Carmen is attracted to both boys and girls. She feels a bit like a unicorn... but unicorn's aren't, supposed to exist! She went out with two boys when she was younger (and honestly, it was good, but it never lasted). Now she's sixteen and would like to date a girl. Problem is, nobody in her high school has come out as gay. The adults in her family have their own problems and are of no help at all. So Carmen decides to take things into her own hands. Never say that bisexuals are indecisive!