Date 21 August 2019
Pages 374
Format cm 14 x 21
Price € 15.80
EAN 9782812618291
Publisher Website


Publisher Rouergue
Category Children's Books
GENRE Young Adult
Age 12-15YA
A mirror held up to our society, this novel tackles many issues: sexism, racism, and fear of the unknown, but also love, friendship and courage.

Like many teenage girls, Louise suffers from an unexplained genetic mutation. Overnight, hair grew all over her body, her senses were sharpened, her strength and agility boosted, and her emotional sensibility heightened.
As more and more of these cases break out, the government implements increasingly stigmatizing and oppressive emergency measures. Meanwhile, the extremist party League of Light, a swiftly rising newcomer to the political scene, calls for increased violence towards the Felines. Disgusted by the way their treated, some Felines decide to form a resistance movement and despite herself, Louise becomes the face of the revolution.

  • Sales in France 15,000 copies
  • Rights Sold Russian
  • Awards Prix Polar en Série 2020, Prix Ados en Colère 2021
  • As of: April 2022