Date 04 March 2020
Pages 160
Format cm 15 x 22
Price € 13.20
EAN 9782211307666
Publisher Website

Standing Tall at Night

Author Éric Pessan
Category Children's Books
GENRE Young Adult
Keywords Sexual abuse - MeToo
Age YA
A novel, rooted in current events like the #meetoo movement, ranging from France across the Atlantic to New York.

New York: now that’s somewhere Lalie has never been! She’s never even dared to dream of going.
It’s too beautiful, too far away, too expensive. So when Piotr offers to take her along, she'll do anything to seize the opportunity. Anything? Not quite.. Some things you just can’t stoop to. Some prices are too high to pay. So Lalie finds herself on the street, faced with dirty looks and dangers of the night. There's only one thing is on her mind: stay awake. Hold out. Stand Tall.