Date 08 January 2020
Pages 300
Format cm 13 x 21
Price € 20.00
EAN 9782709666268
Publisher Website

The Witch Complex

Publisher JC Lattès
Keywords Parkinson's
The story of an inquiry into witch hunts and the scars they left.

One night, author Isabelle Sorente dreams of a witch with a shaved head. When Sorente tries to find out who she is, she soon finds herself being haunted by all the women who've ever been chased, tortured, or killed just because people believed they'd made a pact with the devil.
The more the author learns about witches, the more the figure of the witch seems to be speaking to a forgotten part of herself, urging her to act. Did witch hunts leave a secret scar on the memories of all women? An intimate inquiry into who we are as women, and how our witch complex can also save us.