Date 07 October 2016
Pages 96
Format cm 14 x 20
Price € 10.00
EAN 9782803637409
Publisher Website

Feminism in Seven Quotes and Slogans

Publisher Le Lombard
COLLECTION La petite bédéthèque des savoirs - Société
Keywords Parkinson's
Age All Ages
"Feminism" is an often misunderstood, misinterpreted, and misused word. Let's set the record straight.

Despite significant progress during the 20th century, the feminist struggle is still an uphill battle. From Olympe de Gouges to Virginie Despentes, via Simone de Beauvoir and Angela Davis, this nonfiction graphic novel traces events and slogans of the feminist movement’s key moments and explains concepts such as gender, male domination, slut-shaming, and intersectionality.

  • Sales in France 37,000 copies
  • As of: September 2021