Date 01 June 2018
Pages 117
Format cm 20 x 26
Price € 17.95
EAN 9782800159010
Publisher Website

Gisele and Beatrice

Publisher Dupuis
Keywords Feelings - Symbol - Siberia - Dietetics
Age YAAdults
An erotic tale tinged with social satire that combines risqué scenes and caustic humour.

Like many women, Beatrice is paid less and frankly, considered less than her male coworkers. When her boss crosses the line and sexually harasses her, she decided to set her own trap. With help from a magic herb brought back from Africa, Beatrice turns him into... a woman! Now ‘Gisèle’, he has no job, no papers, no past, and no other choice but to stay with Beatrice, who makes him her glorified sex toy and cleaning lady to boot!

  • Sales in France 56,000 copies
  • Rights Sold Spanish
  • As of: May 2023