Date 04 November 2020
Pages 216
Format cm 11 x 18
Price € 8.90
EAN 9782220096957
Publisher Website

Old Age and Palliative Care

Author Aude Zeller
Keywords Death
A peaceful approach to the end of life.

When mental, psychological and physical capacities dis-sipate with old age, is this decline an outright destruction of faculties, traits fully acquired throughout an entire existence ? Or on the contrary, might this not be a slow, ultimate renewal ? The story of Aude Zeller and her mother, whom she accompanied during her last six years of ife, comes to fill in the gaps of our understanding of old age : psychoanalytical knowledge and Christian spirituality come hand in hand to enable us to understand in what many ways regression can become the base of recovery.

  • Sales in France 6 000 copies
  • As of: September 2021