Date 03 February 2021
Pages 272
Format cm 14 x 21
Price € 20.00
EAN 9782812621376
Publisher Website

Silent Sister: Growing up with a Different Brother

Publisher Rouergue
Keywords Amusement park
Through questions and doubts, a family story is built from the strength of words, like sharing a secret. Words of affection and responsibility, of feelings and resentment.

Leon and Paulin were born at six and a half months. In their haste to see the light of day, an accident happened. Paulin had a brain hemorrhage. Paulin's condition has a name: polyhandicap. To the casual onlooker, it's simply marked by an aesthetic, physical difference to the other young boys. But it's actually much more. It hides many questions. When you live with a disabled child who will one day become an adult, what's the role of each member of the family? Anne-Laure, Paulin's older sister, wonders where she fits in.