Date 03 April 2019
Pages 240
Format cm 14 x 22
Price € 18.00
EAN 9782234085831
Publisher Website

The Recipe Notebook

Author Jacky Durand
Publisher Stock
Keywords Transmission
An enchantingly appetizing story about a French bistro and passing down family traditions.

"Monsieur Henri" is an exceptional cook. He runs Le Relais Fleuri, a low-key French bistro. There’s one thing Henri is sure of: under no circumstances will his son Julien take it over after his death.
When Henri falls into a coma, Julien spends many hours by his bedside, trying to bring back to life the culinary heritage of his secretive father. It's not long before Julien develops an obsession: finding the notebook of recipes where his father wrote down all his mysterious tricks… But while he searches, he comes across another, more personal, secret, and he finally understands why his father let his wife leave without a word.