Date 06 February 2014
Pages 192
Format cm 14 x 19
Price € 18.00
EAN 9782848051598
Publisher Website

Four Walls

Publisher Sabine Wespieser
Keywords Downgrading
The lost paradise of childhood and its innocence echoes through Four Walls, as each sibling gives their side of the story of their family feud.

When their father dies, four siblings return to the empty rooms of the family home. Everything anyone says seems to have a hidden meaning, especially when it comes to inheritance.
Two years later, they no longer speak to each other. However, they all agree to meet in Greece, their country of origin. The trip is an opportunity to look back on their relationships and their past.
As each protagonist delivers their version of events, author Kethene Davrichewy gradually reveals the truth behind the family drama.

  • Sales in France 8,800 copies sold
  • As of: September 2021