Date 16 March 2017
Pages 48
Format cm 22 x 22
Price € 19.90
EAN 9782375150313
Publisher Website

The true story of Bernadette Boarlet

Publisher Benjamins media
Category Children's Books
Keywords Difference - Adoption
Age 3-6
This is the story of an elderly couple who adopt a young wild boar…

One day, Lisette and Pierrot, a childless couple, find a young female wild boar. They decide to take the little boarlet under their wing, call her Bernadette and teach her all she needs to know to make her way in life: how to brush her teeth, how to eat with a knife and fork, to say "hello", "thank you" and "goodbye" and to always flush the toilet. But Bernadette is always asking questions that neither Pierrot nor Lisette know how to answer. So one day, they decide to send her to school…