Date 07 March 2019
Pages 256
Format cm 14 x 21
Price € 18.00
EAN 9782721007001
Publisher Website

France Bloch-Sérazin

A woman of the Resistance (1913-1943)
GENRE History
Keywords Biography - Elderly
France Bloch-Sérazin, "died for France".

This is the struggle of a young Jewish woman who is a chemist and a communist, during the Second World War. France is married to Frédo. Both of them join the Resistance. Together, they have a little boy, Roland. He is only two-and-a-half when his mother is executed. Frédo already had a daughter. Despite their struggles, despite their imprisonment, neither will ever cease to care about the future of their children, whom they entrust to family and friends. France was guillotined by the Nazis at the age of 30 and Frédo was shot dead by the Gestapo after being deported to a camp.

  • Awards Prix littéraire de la Résistance 2019
  • As of: September 2021