Date 26 August 2020
Pages 224
Format cm 16 x 23
Price € 15.90
EAN 9782401035072
Publisher Website

Collaborative Emotional Learning

Publisher Hatier
COLLECTION Côté parents
Category Practical Books
Emotional development of children and parents.

Emotional education is a collaborative process, that goes both ways: we educate ourselves while also educating our children, engaging in positive progression on both sides. We monitor and guide the emotions of our children, and our children in turn reveal our own vulnerabilities, triggers and deficiencies. Raising children is also about our own Développement personnel, allowing us to become better equipped to guide our children's emotional development. Caroline Jambon, creator and author of the successful blog "Learn to educate", outlines in her new book the 10 key points at the foundation of this new educational philosophy:
1. Understand the true nature of emotions
2. Provide basic human needs
3. Feed attachment
4. Cultivate your empathy
5. Cultivate Self-Empathy
6. Accept your personal story
7. Learn and understand the steps of the child's development (motor, emotional and cognitive)
8. Develop the child's environment
9. Teach skills
10. Authorize and accommodate the right to make mistakes