Date 09 March 2017
Pages 176
Format cm 14 x 21
Price € 10.99
EAN 9791022606073
Publisher Website

The Godmother

Publisher Métailié
Keywords Heroism
If you want compassion, you'll need to look elsewhere.

"It was late July. The sun was blazing in the sky and the Parisians were migrating to the beaches. I was just starting out my new career and Philippe, my cop fiancé, was starting his job as captain at the DEA. 'That way we'll see each other more,' he'd happily said when he'd told me the news two months before, on the day he was nominated.
I'd been truly happy for him, but at the time I was just a humble legal translator and interpreter. And I didn't yet have 1.2 tons of hashish in my basement."
When you're a hardworking woman alone with a strong moral compass who's worked all her life to keep her head above water while raising her kids... When you've served justice without fail, translating thousands of hours of phone-tapping under the table.. How do you cross the line?
It's simple. You divert a drug trafficker's mountain of cannabis and you do so with a light heart, without any feelings of guilt or fear, but rather... you might say... a joyous detachment. And you become the Godmother.

  • Sales in France 85,000 copies
  • Awards
  • Adaptations Film entitled Mama Weed, featuring Isabelle Huppert, released in 2020
  • As of: September 2021