Date 16 January 2020
Pages 304
Format cm 13 x 21
Price € 19.00
EAN 9791097417512
Publisher Website

A Dream Woman

Publisher Viviane Hamy
Keywords Investigation
Nico, a teenage girl, has just helped her father, a robber who has committed multiple offenses, escape from jail via a helicopter. They hope to go to Brazil, where Nico is looking forward to finally enjoying life and above all, reconnecting with the mother who abandoned her.

Karmia has just escaped from prison with the help of his daughter, Nico. Schrödinger's the one who was responsible for his nasty arrest, which left Severine, Schrödinger's partner and lover, in a coma. Father and daughter have kidnapped Adèle, a mother and volunteer teacher at the prison. Meanwhile, the story of "The Chosen One" unfolds as a young amnesiac woman propelled to another world searches for her identity...