Date 18 October 2019
Pages 50
Format cm 14 x 21
Price € 12.00
EAN 9782851819703
Publisher Website

What Must Be Said

Publisher L'Arche
COLLECTION Des écrits pour la parole
Three powerful songs to inhabit one's spiritualities and keep xenophobia at bay.

In a world where naming involves issues of dominance, Léonora Miano invites us to take responsibility and distance ourselves from the identities assigned by language and the major national narratives. Her words, with their incisive poetic power, urge us to reclaim our memories in order to simply be ourselves. A requiem for an old Europe of privilege, these three songs are written to be read aloud, like a hymn to self-knowledge.

  • Sales in France 3,000 copies
  • Rights Sold Morocco
  • As of: June 2021