Date 09 January 2020
Pages 412
Format cm 14 x 23
Price € 19.90
EAN 9782365694025
Publisher Website

The Shores of Anger

Publisher Les Escales
The epic love story of two people from entirely different worlds who must constantly fight against the outside forces keeping them apart.

Marie, a strong-willed and independent woman from the Chagos archipelago, falls in love at first sight with the strikingly handsome Gabriel, the newly arrived secretary to the archipelago’s Mauritian administrator.
But it’s the late 1960s, and Mauritius votes to gain independence from Britain. The inhabitants of the archipelago, a dependency of Mauritius, could not know that the Mauritius government would betray them. A secret deal with Britain means that everyone from Chagos will be forced to leave the islands, never allowed to return to home.

  • Sales in France 30,000 copies
  • Rights Sold English, Italian
  • Awards Prix Maison de la Presse (Magazine Vendors), Prix du Salon du Livre du Mans (Le Mans Book Fair), Prix Louis-Guilloux (Breton Writers), Prix du Roman Métis des Lecteurs (Réunion readers), Prix du Roman Métis des Lycéens (Réunion high-schoolers), Grand Prix des Blogueurs 2020 (Bloggers)
  • As of: June 2021