Date 09 January 2020
Pages 116
Format cm 14 x 22
Price € 14.50
EAN 9782378560454
Publisher Website

The Day the Desert Invaded the City

Publisher Verdier
A unique and bewitching collection of interlinked stories about a sea-change to the inner lives of people in an imaginary city.

"No one knows how the desert came into the city." So begins "Luoes," the first of the interlinked short stories in this collection. "Luoes": an anagram of Seoul. An anagram that reveals the entrancing strangeness of this polyphonic volume.
Meet one man who refuses to heed the world's din and another who pisses to "put out the fire outside, in the city"; one who decides to run away but isn't sure, upon coming back, if he dreamed all his adventures; and another who lives in an abandoned tower, feeding off the city's trash.

  • Rights Sold South Korea, Japan
  • Adaptations Adapted for theater by Thimothée Israël for La Comédie de Colmar
  • As of: June 2021