Date 24 October 2018
Pages 311
Format cm 22 x 28
Price € 29.90
EAN 9782017067719
Publisher Website

Road Trip

Forty Routes Along the World's Most Beautiful Roads
Publisher Hachette Tourisme
Category Practical Books
Buckle your seatbelt, crank up the radio, and let's hit the asphalt on the world's most beautiful roads!

Traveling through the most remarkable landscapes on the planet and offering exceptional views, some roads leave travelers with lasting memories. From the United States to Australia, from west to east, Routard has picked out 40 dream road trips on the world's most beautiful roads across 5 continents! From Iceland to the foothills of the Alps, from the fjords of Norway to the mythical Route 66: get ready for an unforgettable ride! As a bonus: magnificently illustrated maps laying out the itineraries for each route, information on how to prepare for your adventure, reading tips, and playlist ideas!

  • Sales in France 55,000 copies
  • Rights Sold Germany, Spain, USA, Italy
  • As of: June 2021