Date 08 October 2020
Pages 187
Format cm 14 x 21
Price € 18.00
EAN 9782072914751
Publisher Website

Luck is my Co-Pilot

Publisher Verticales
Keywords Radicalization
In 2018, 18-year-old Iliana Holguín Teodorescu started out in Colombia with nothing but her backpack, determined to hitchhike to Chilean Patagonia.

These days, people like having things nailed down. The unexpected, not so much. We live, we travel, and even adventure with certainties and forethought, leaving luck and chance by the side of the road. Now me, I've found luck a charming traveling companion, trailing countless encounters and all kinds of questioning in its wake. As for the "where" and "how," just know it all takes place in trucks and cars, riding shotgun with drivers who picked me up in their South American countries along a route exactly 9,356 kilometers long.