Date 23 November 2012
Pages 43
Format cm 32 x 21
Price € 19.00
EAN 9782211211253
Publisher Website

Izzy's Odd-Venture

Category Children's Books
Keywords Alchemy - Immigrant - Women
Age 6-9
A little girl leaves the comforts of home to live her own magical 'venture on her own terms, with whimsical friends of her own choosing.

In Volume I of her life (Meye-Luv), 'ventures would just happen to Isaeus. 'Ventures she hadn’t exactly picked -- like that car accident! She's learned a lot, and now, in Volume II of her life, Izzy decides to set off in search of 'ventures she's chosen for herself. It's better that way. Proof? Instead of putting up with things, she's free. Instead of being hurt, she heals. Instead of feeling lonely, she meets others. One thing remains the same: Luvvy Duvvy, her chubby cuddle buddy, who's always by her side and never leaves, no matter what.

  • Sales in France 23,700 copies
  • As of: June 2021