Date 06 September 2018
Pages 157
Format cm 17 x 23
Price € 14.90
EAN 9782732485072


Category Children's Books
Keywords Discrimination
Discrimination in all its shapes and forms from past to present, described and dissected to help us stay angry.

Racism, slavery, hate crimes, unfair hiring practies (sexist, able-ist, or religious) - this book provides a very broad panorama of the different forms discrimination can take, from outright violence to more insidious practices. These have sullied our history and continue to permeate our daily lives, in France and around the world. This highly factual inventory, backed by quantified, indisputable contemporary and historical data, and prominently recounting the work of major activists, will prove a real eye-opener and an impetus to act. The time for suffering quietly is over!

  • Rights Sold German, Korean, Polish
  • As of: May 2021