Date 02 May 2016
Pages 103
Format cm 17 x 24
Price € 9.95
EAN 9782374250434
Publisher Website

Salvaged Fashion

Make Your Own Clothes and Cut Waste
Category Practical Books
So you're sick of fast fashion frantically tossing up and causing unprecedented waste? Why not try "couture récup’" ! 40 modèles à réaliser avec des pulls, des chaussettes, des chemises. Des formes épurées à créer à partir de carrés, rectangles, triangles.

So you don't know how to sew? Who cares? No complicated patterns or convoluted explanations here. Emmanuelle Vibert's designs are all based on simple geometric shapes. Have fun cutting out squares, rectangles, and triangles from old sweaters, holey men's shirts, shapeless t-shirts, and baggy sweats. And putting them to use in cozy kimonos, light summer skirts, a fancy evening blouse, an off-the-shoulder sweater... Get started, it's easy!
Each design includes:
- A list of recommended materials.
- Step-by-step illustrations to ensure success.
- Advice and variations.
Topped off with a photo section features all the designs!