Date 28 February 2019
Pages 187
Format cm 19 x 25
Price € 28.00
EAN 9782212674163
Publisher Website

Basic Bespoke Patterns

Chest, Sleeve, Skirt, and Slacks: Creation and Alteration
Publisher Eyrolles
SERIES Trace Your Patterns
Category Practical Books
Keywords Sewing - Patterns - Dressmaking
A step-by-step guide to creating basic bespoke patterns for chest, sleeve, skirts, and slacks, from taking measurements to a finished pattern.

Whether you're a first-year dressmaking student, or an amateur dressmaker looking to get into pattern-making, this book will enable you to create your own patterns on your own. Precise, highly detailed instructions will help you understand the role and importance of each chalk line and the methodical sequence of steps to be followed. You will also learn to make make your own basic patterns and adapt them to various body shapes. Last by not least, you will find out how to make your own alterations (flaring out a skirt, changing the shape of a sleeve, etc.).

  • Sales in France 1,400 copies
  • Rights Sold Russian, Spanish, Korean, German, English
  • As of: May 2024